Archives : FAQs

Is it possible to adjust the template to a show size to adjust that template properly in the show and limit the risk of shearing?

It is possible to adapt the insole to the shoe to the millimetre. In any case, you can remove and measure the length and width of the shoe insole and implement these measures on the template in any moment during the designing. Also is possible to return to the treatment realized and modify the length and/or width to do other pair of …

Is it possible to adjust the template to a show size to adjust that template properly in the show and limit the risk of shearing? Lire la suite »

How to set your information ?

In your profile user, you can set the following information.  Your delivery address.  Your billing address.  The shipment mode by default. (will be added automatically to the files of your patients)  The therapeutics fields that you use regularly and deactivate those that you don’t use.  The finishing desired by default (will be added automatically to …

How to set your information ? Lire la suite »

Can I scan a foam box?

Of course! Touch the icon at the top right to choose a non-weight-bearing scan and start scanning your foam box. 

I can’t connect anymore to the app.

Connect with the same identification and password that you use for Gespodo PRO. If you modify your access codes in Gespodo PRO, you have also to modify it for FootSCAN3D. 

Is necessary to have informatic competences for starting?

Are more necessary material competences than informatic competences.  Open a software.  Download/save a file.  Use a mouse wheel.  Enforce the competences acquired during the custom formation in appointment.  ‘’It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult’’ Seneca.