Do I have to be a GESPODO client to participate in the formation?
The formations and courses are available for all podiatrists.
The formations and courses are available for all podiatrists.
Yes. You will experience the full process and will finish the course with your own 3D insoles pair at the end of the formation.
Yes. We recommend coming with a laptop to the formation to install the software.
Yes. We will give a summary of the most important points discussed during the course.
Yes. We prefer to work in small groups with the objective of guaranteeing a good reception of the concepts taught during the formation.
In the GESPODO manufacturing lab Chaussée de Wavre, 132 à Grez-Doiceau, Belgium
Relationship between clinical balance and quantified prescription plan. Tools for the foot printing: FootSCAN 3D App in your smartphone, fixed scanner or mobile scanner. Footprint techniques: weight-bearing, semi weight-bearing or non-weight-bearing. CAD/CAM software: to dominate the 3D designing of your insoles in just a few clicks. Materials election. Manufacturing and finishing: to outsource or to equip.
Your activation code can only be used once. We will have to give you a new key to install the software in your new PC. Ask for a new key.
It is possible to create a library of patterns and a library of templates and treatments, and, in the same way a library of elements. The software permits to implement a data base of personal data according to the personal practice.
In a way, yes. You only have to sabe the work of the first foot, to work with the other. However, is not possible to work with both feet at the same time in the same pc and move and see at the same time.